If EF Adventures booked your flights and you're a member of that airline's loyalty or rewards program, you can add your frequent flier number directly to the airline's website or their mobile app. This is the best way to ensure that your frequent flier number is properly added to your flight reservation. Please note that while you’ll often earn airline miles with our airfare package, we can’t guarantee mileage accrual with all airlines as policies vary. This applies to flights to and from tour, as well as on-tour flights booked as a group reservation. Read more about earning and using airline miles.
To avoid complications, we strongly encourage adding your frequent flier number to your flight booking prior to departure, not post-tour. To access your booking from the airline's site, you'll need your flight reservation number. Airlines also refer to this as a confirmation number, record locator number or booking code. It's six characters long, often combining both letters and numbers (E.g. CF9KLG). Your reservation number can be viewed in your online account once your flights are released between 85 and 60 days before your trip. You'll also receive an email when your flights are posted. Learn more about finding flight details.
You can also send us a message if you're having trouble adding your frequent flier details to the airline's website. We'll try to add the information to your reservation on our end. Currently, it's not possible to update this information in your EF Adventures account.
Please note that EF Adventures will add the information to your reservation, but we strongly recommend that you review your flight reservation in the airline's website to ensure your frequent flier number has been correctly added.