This article contains step-by-step instructions on how to log in to your EF Adventures online account. If you're already logged in, learn how to navigate your online account here.
Logging in to your online account
- Visit using a computer or tablet
- In the top right corner, select "Log in/Register". If you're on a device with a smaller screen, you'll first need to select "Menu" located in the top right corner, then select "Log in/Register"
- Enter the email address associated with your reservation and select "Submit"
- If you already have a password created, enter your password and select “Submit”. You'll now be logged in to your online account!
- If you don't have a password or forget your password, select the "Get access link" button
- Then, check your email and look for a new message from EF Adventures
- Open that email and select "Enter now" to access your online account. Opening the link will automatically log you in to your account.
Once you're logged in, we recommend setting up a password. You can use this password to log in to your online account and mobile app in the future.