To secure the best route or due to limited options, sometimes EF Adventures books flight itineraries that include separate airline tickets.
Separate tickets
With separate tickets, a flight itinerary has been booked under more than one reservation number and ticket number. Usually, all domestic flights will be booked on one ticket and international flights will be booked on another. Separate tickets offer more flexibility in flight options, because travelers can be booked with more than one airline alliance. (Fights that are booked under one reservation number can only include flights operated by airlines in the same alliance.)
Travelers can have separate tickets on their outbound journey only, return trip only, or both ways. All EF Adventures travelers with separate tickets will have at least a four-hour layover to make their next flight and they'll receive an email from us before departure to set proper expectations (these are also noted below).
What to expect
Viewing your flights online
If you have separate tickets, meaning you're booked with different airline partners, you won't see your entire flight itinerary when you log in to one of the airline's websites. To view all your flights, you'll need to log in to each airline's site. The best place to access your full flight itinerary is from your EF Adventures online account or mobile app.
Recollecting and rechecking luggage
Think of separate tickets as separate flight reservations. Because of this, no checked bags will be checked through to your final destination. When you land at your layover city (and your next flight is on a separate ticket from your previous flight), you should exit the plane, follow signs for baggage claim, and recollect any checked luggage. From there, exit the secured area of the airport and head to your next flight's departure terminal as though you're arriving at the airport for the first time (even though this is a layover). Then, recheck your luggage with the new airline and check in for your next flight online if you haven't already. Finally, go through security again and make your way to your gate.
Luggage reimbursement
Due to having separate tickets, the airline may charge you for a checked bag on your domestic flights. If this happens, keep your receipt and contact us here after your tour so we can reimburse you. Please attach a photo of your receipt to your message and include a summary of which airline/airport charged you and for what reason.
Did you know that if your layover (with separate tickets) exceeds 12 hours, EF Adventures will book a hotel for you to stay in during your long connection? Read about hotel dayrooms and overnight layovers here.