Packing specifics depend on the type of adventure tour you’ll be embarking on, but across all our tour types, packing light is always a good idea. Travelers can bring one checked bag and one carry-on bag on most tours. Always check with your airline for the baggage requirements on your flights.
We suggest packing comfortable activewear that can be easily layered. To get an idea of the temperature, look at the weather forecast for the destinations you'll be visiting on tour.
A sturdy pair of hiking boots or sneakers is a must for our hiking tours. Hiking poles are optional, but they won’t be provided, so please bring them with you if you want to use them.
For our biking tours, pedals will be provided, but please pack your own cycling shoes. We offer flat, Shimano SPD, or Shimano SPD-SL clips, but you may choose to bring your own pedals.
Hand sanitizer is always good to have in your carry-on bag. Remember to bring important documents needed for your trip, like your passport, primary health insurance card, and any visas or required entry forms.
Label your luggage and keep valuables, medication, and documents in your carry-on bag. Please note that washcloths aren't common outside of North America, so please bring your own if this is important to you. Read our comprehensive carry-on luggage guide and explore articles full of packing tips on our blog.
Already scheduled to travel with us? Packing requirements for your tour are available in your online account and mobile app. We've also created a video (see below) highlighting our best packing tips!
Wondering how to do laundry while on the road? Read about laundry on tour.