If your checked luggage doesn't arrive at baggage claim, follow these steps for locating and reclaiming your luggage while on tour.
Report missing luggage to the airline
Missing luggage should be reported to the airline as soon as possible. It's best to speak directly to an airline representative while you're still at the airport. You'll need to provide the following details:
- Complete all forms given to you by airline staff.
- Provide baggage claim tag that you received with your boarding pass at check-in.
- Include your contact information, addresses and dates of each hotel on your itinerary.
If there are no airline representatives at baggage claim, you should call the airline or visit their website to report your missing luggage.
Ask the airline about their reimbursement policies
Some airlines may offer reimbursement for delayed or missing luggage. This may include reimbursement for the cost of checking your luggage and/or reimbursement for incidental purchases like clothing and toiletries.
Track your luggage
The airline should provide you with a claim number and copy of your missing luggage report. With your claim number, you can use the airline’s website to track your bag’s progress and whereabouts. You can also update your temporary address if traveling to multiple destinations. Your bag will be delivered to the address you provide, so it’s important to ensure the airline has your updated location.
When to contact On-Tour Support
If you purchased travel insurance through EF Adventures, On-Tour Support will send you all the necessary information for filing an insurance claim. Read about our Trip Protection plans for more information on lost baggage coverage.
If you packed necessary medication or medical devices in your missing luggage, contact On-Tour Support immediately at +1-617-619-1311. On-Tour Support can assist with arranging a visit to a doctor or pharmacy to help you obtain your medication or medical equipment.
Note that medications or medical devices available in your home country may not be available in other countries.